Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Finally chem common test 2 and physics tutorial is over :D
Chem test was yday and i actually only knew it was on Tuesday on Friday night 3 days before the common test -.-
and Physics tutorial was today loll and i oni knew we were havin physics tutorial on sunday morning -.-
thks edwin 4 informing bout chem and leow for informin on physics XD
another prove of my blurness haha
anyway today so cham i so kononnya wanted to look impressive and professional today for physics presentation and wore heels....
though mummy wasn't too happi bout it >.< and guess what the strap broke while i was walking in the new block when class was actually in the old block..... why?? coz i 'so smart thought that i left my note pad in some class there in the morning and thus have to search in three different classes.. was freaking worried coz it contain VIN (very important notes) mind you.... and havin to struggle to walk back in the lousy charles and keith heels!!!! WAS NOT FUN KAY!!!!! and when i got home guess what the note pad was there in my shelve.... 0.O @#$% haha anyway thanks LEow for borrowing me ur slippers so i can walk back home -.- and below in this picture
depicts what will happen to you when

u stay up to 3 or 5 am in the morning doin physics tutorial XP
ps : I slept for 5 hours straight this afternoon :D fu yoh pro wei...


seriously man this guy rocks my world XD
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Richard Gasquet :)

hot hot hot :) i think i'm burning my tongue juz by sayin it XD and gosh he's the same age as Michael Phelps :D weeeeeeeeeee

ahhhhhhhh (love*) (twirls her hair and batter her eyelashes....horny horny XP)

Physics common test 3 result is comin back tomorrow
i'm kinda really worried :( coz of all my subs, my physics is my worst sub in SAM -.-
some ppl achieve superb grades in Sam and i'm happi for them :)
but mine are...... (voice fades off)
I dunno.. sometimes i just keep pondering why is my physics so poor ever since i landed in SAM. It din use to be this way haih.... I am still lookin to have my first A in physics this year and yesh i'm scared and worried and afraid. I just wish i can curl inside a shell and hide in there forever never needing to face disappointments any longer... but then again life must go on and i must with every blood of drop inside of me soldier on..
Father i look unto u for refuge and strength.. that i may brave through this stormy phase of life knowing that i will and shall make it through...

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