Hmmmm Mum completed her final herceptin cycle on 12th of March 2008 haha finally after one and a half year of ongoing treatment it's all over yeah praise God :D
Well....eventhough she was having her last herceptin she kept calling to ask whther the result had come out... Owh well wat can i say mum will always be herself :D with her unconditional love haha.....
Over the time so much has changed so much has happened..... RIght now things are doing not too bad thanks to God;] but when i flip back into the past....
I thought of the many nights where i cried myself to sleep....
Times where the family was tested to a breaking point where every one just couldn't take it anymore..... especially during chemo..
ohhhh God, tat was some horrible period...But then again my family survived victoriously by ur grace :D Periods where insomnia and depression swept the family are binded by out loving Father in Heaven ;p I feel so guilty to be able to enjoy some stuff that my sisters were unable to last year....
I never knew how much my sisters actually suffered but now i think i sort of do..
I remember askin Sab y din she go to the Sam fiesta last year...
Sab: owh mummy was sick i had to take care of her
And how i told her she had an easy life coz kakak was there to do all the cleaning and stuff while i had to juggle with a tad bit of housework coz I only had a part time helper...
Sab: (as she fights back a few drops of tears) I come back frm college some times and find mummy in a pool of blood okay......
Sarah had to bring my mother to hospital almost every day during the earlier time....Mum was crying almost every day during chemo period...
Dad lost like 8 kilos?? many sleepless nights??
Gosh thinkin bout it they had suffered so much more than me...
But thinkin of God's grace upon my family...
His word is really true 'ur grace us sufficient for me' And truly it was sufficient :D
Jesus suffered the unthinkable...Persecution, goes on and on...
Jesus laid his life on the cross 2008 years ago for you and that he could give us the gift of eternal life
But why would Jesus do that i mean he didn't have to... But he chose to die on the cross so that we sinners may enter his kingdom of heaven..
How great is the Love of God.. who is willing to bear the sins and shame of the world all for love..God is indeed gracious and merciful.....
He gave us salvation....However he also gave us a choice as to choose whther to believe in him or not...
God wants u to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ so that u may have salvation.. as it says in his word
John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life..
So ppl if u have not accepted Jesus into ur life, and u want it today and u shall receive the greatest gift ever..the gift of life.....
Friday, March 21, 2008
Instructions:Remove 1 question from below, and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged.
1. At what age do you wish to marry?
23 to 27?? it really depends on God seriously lol
2. If you have the chance, what would you probably say to your beloved one?
I love u for who u are and not for wat u are
3. If you were to be stranded on a desert island, who are the 3 blog buddies you would take with you?
Sarah and Sabrina is definitely in lol sab for me to bully when i'm bored XD.... Sarah a great advisor haha the last buddy tak tau la haha the more the merrier actually....but if it's someone out of the family circle Bill Gates perhaps?? so that he can donate his mountain heap of cash to less fortunate ppl like me?? jkjk :D
4. Where is the place that you want to go the most?
Currently back 2 my home in labuan :'( mizz PANADOL so much haih...
5. If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be?
Live through SAM!!!! LOL not to forget the flying colours too of coz
6. Do you believe you can survive without money?
Hmmm my answer is perhaps very contrasting towards my character as i'm well a Professional Shopaholic but oh welll man don't live on bread alone but by the word of God so i guess yea i can survive :] i mean nothing is impossible right....
7. What are you afraid to lose the most?
Honestly speaking any of my immediate family members... I mean i don care if i get hurt or die or anything so as long as it's me and not any of my family them to bits..
8. If you win $1 million, what would you do?
Tithe 100k... use it to open my own boutique :D yeah!! dream come true... spend quarter, invest quarter and save the other quarter....
9. If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
Hmmmmm nope leh haha...... i'll probably drop a hint or two but direct confessing hmmmm don think so :D but owh well who knows eh... i might eventually do so??Maybe :S
10. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you.
Sam Woon arrrrr.... Gentle patient and definitely likeable ;p
11. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
Hmmmm a true Christian who LoVEs God definitely :D and also to LOVE me lots lots lotsssss!!!!!!
12. Which type of person do you hate the most?
Nah NO HATRED...God says that to hate is akin to murder.... (sort of) so ppl don hate but love one another 4 it is bcoz of love we have the gift of eternal life...
13. What is your ambition?
Open a boutique :D haha so unambitious lol....hmmm i definitely wanna spread the gospel 2 others and be a GOOD WIFE AND WOONDERFUL MOTHER to my future family lol..... Careerwise still waiting upon's God calling but interested in(vet, lawyer and engineer) perhaps??
14. What is the thing that will make you think he/she is bad?
When the someone gives a perverted look 0_0 and seems dangerous?? lol....
15. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
Jeezzz i dunno how to answer this larr.... I mean there is so much to treasure in life....But if it's main priority then it has to be God...
16. Are you a shopaholic or not?
Owh yeah definitely!!! :D Genuine one with a capital G on it (i have got to say this is smth i'm actually good at haha)
17. If you have a chance, which part of your character you would like to change?
My IMPATIENCE... and to listen first b4 talkin..... :D i'm sure a lot of ppl will be much happier if i half the number of words i speak every day haha J.lo pointed out i talk non-stop?? haha ain't gonna change tat though :D LOVE my ebullient self
18. Who is the person that you can share all your problems with?(sam's question)
Someone whom i can trust and who have the best intention in mind for me....Ex: my sisters haha
19. What makes you different?
The fact that I am still very childlike at heart but possess a woman's body?? ;p
20.What is/are ur trademark(s)?? (serene's question)
Hmmm currently love 2 use short forms in face to face conversation like bb for bye bye and nvm.. And use to and still always say 'SO CUTE!!!!!!!' XD
1.Sarah Ong
1. At what age do you wish to marry?
23 to 27?? it really depends on God seriously lol
2. If you have the chance, what would you probably say to your beloved one?
I love u for who u are and not for wat u are
3. If you were to be stranded on a desert island, who are the 3 blog buddies you would take with you?
Sarah and Sabrina is definitely in lol sab for me to bully when i'm bored XD.... Sarah a great advisor haha the last buddy tak tau la haha the more the merrier actually....but if it's someone out of the family circle Bill Gates perhaps?? so that he can donate his mountain heap of cash to less fortunate ppl like me?? jkjk :D
4. Where is the place that you want to go the most?
Currently back 2 my home in labuan :'( mizz PANADOL so much haih...
5. If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be?
Live through SAM!!!! LOL not to forget the flying colours too of coz
6. Do you believe you can survive without money?
Hmmm my answer is perhaps very contrasting towards my character as i'm well a Professional Shopaholic but oh welll man don't live on bread alone but by the word of God so i guess yea i can survive :] i mean nothing is impossible right....
7. What are you afraid to lose the most?
Honestly speaking any of my immediate family members... I mean i don care if i get hurt or die or anything so as long as it's me and not any of my family them to bits..
8. If you win $1 million, what would you do?
Tithe 100k... use it to open my own boutique :D yeah!! dream come true... spend quarter, invest quarter and save the other quarter....
9. If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
Hmmmmm nope leh haha...... i'll probably drop a hint or two but direct confessing hmmmm don think so :D but owh well who knows eh... i might eventually do so??Maybe :S
10. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you.
Sam Woon arrrrr.... Gentle patient and definitely likeable ;p
11. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
Hmmmm a true Christian who LoVEs God definitely :D and also to LOVE me lots lots lotsssss!!!!!!
12. Which type of person do you hate the most?
Nah NO HATRED...God says that to hate is akin to murder.... (sort of) so ppl don hate but love one another 4 it is bcoz of love we have the gift of eternal life...
13. What is your ambition?
Open a boutique :D haha so unambitious lol....hmmm i definitely wanna spread the gospel 2 others and be a GOOD WIFE AND WOONDERFUL MOTHER to my future family lol..... Careerwise still waiting upon's God calling but interested in(vet, lawyer and engineer) perhaps??
14. What is the thing that will make you think he/she is bad?
When the someone gives a perverted look 0_0 and seems dangerous?? lol....
15. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
Jeezzz i dunno how to answer this larr.... I mean there is so much to treasure in life....But if it's main priority then it has to be God...
16. Are you a shopaholic or not?
Owh yeah definitely!!! :D Genuine one with a capital G on it (i have got to say this is smth i'm actually good at haha)
17. If you have a chance, which part of your character you would like to change?
My IMPATIENCE... and to listen first b4 talkin..... :D i'm sure a lot of ppl will be much happier if i half the number of words i speak every day haha J.lo pointed out i talk non-stop?? haha ain't gonna change tat though :D LOVE my ebullient self
18. Who is the person that you can share all your problems with?(sam's question)
Someone whom i can trust and who have the best intention in mind for me....Ex: my sisters haha
19. What makes you different?
The fact that I am still very childlike at heart but possess a woman's body?? ;p
20.What is/are ur trademark(s)?? (serene's question)
Hmmm currently love 2 use short forms in face to face conversation like bb for bye bye and nvm.. And use to and still always say 'SO CUTE!!!!!!!' XD
1.Sarah Ong
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Today Mark came to church to DUMC :D am very proud of him haha....Mark don stop coming ya the Lord has a lot in store for u ;] anyways today saw the lady who asked whether i was Filipino again haha....wanted to tell her thanks for telling me how much God loves me but oh well chickened out coz a lot of ppl were around and she doesn't recognize me ?? lol...
Anways the message today was about anger... and i juz realise tat anger was akin to that of murder the high courts of heaven bcoz anger is the root of murder...when we are angry we often say spitful words and realising how much i've hurt some ppl so much unintentionally when i'm in a rage and so i realise how chronic this anger factor i have toned down recently but oh well it never hurts to always work to be better yeah! :D but i also realise today tat sometimes God speaks messages that are also meant for some of those in my surroundings.....There is a person in particular whom i can see so much anger and rage inside of her.... And so i prayed to God for her coz i noe that i can never change a person but God can!! ;] So sometimes when God speaks he may want u to pray for other to u noe so get the prayer goin .....
And owh pray for a particular family in Labuan who's dad just went to be the Lord as he's goin to sit for spm this year and has a younger sis and a five year old bro pray that the lord's mercy be upon them... plz pray ppl let's support out bro and sis in christ :D
Anways the message today was about anger... and i juz realise tat anger was akin to that of murder the high courts of heaven bcoz anger is the root of murder...when we are angry we often say spitful words and realising how much i've hurt some ppl so much unintentionally when i'm in a rage and so i realise how chronic this anger factor i have toned down recently but oh well it never hurts to always work to be better yeah! :D but i also realise today tat sometimes God speaks messages that are also meant for some of those in my surroundings.....There is a person in particular whom i can see so much anger and rage inside of her.... And so i prayed to God for her coz i noe that i can never change a person but God can!! ;] So sometimes when God speaks he may want u to pray for other to u noe so get the prayer goin .....
And owh pray for a particular family in Labuan who's dad just went to be the Lord as he's goin to sit for spm this year and has a younger sis and a five year old bro pray that the lord's mercy be upon them... plz pray ppl let's support out bro and sis in christ :D
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Special Thanks 2 u
1. Father in heaven for his wonderful provision and support when at times in 2007 i felt so hopeless and depress..i'm sorry for havin a cracked relationship with u last year but 2008 i promise would be better :D thank u father for never givin up on me...
2. Dad for taking care of me single handedly in 2007 and washing the plates too :D and allowing me to shop like crazy whenever we went to kl together hehe
3. Mum and sisters and kakak for lending me their support and incessantly nagging me to study lolz:P i appreciate tat ya mummy ( for the every day calls at 6 p.m haha), sab(thks for manjaing me all the time) and sarah....reli mizz u all in labuan
4. Sarah personal thanks to u for constantly scolding me and nagging me to study although it always falls on deaf ears haha anyway juz wanna say i listen to u the month b4 SPM :D
5. Uncle Nelson and family and kakak Fin for welcoming me so warmly into their home when i had to stay over for a week or so every month when dad went to kl to support mummy when she was undergoing chemotheraphy. Thanks for takin care of my baby too :D Thanks Uncle Nelson for training me for national level public speaking :D appreciate it lots.....and glenda for ur company ;p
6. Daryl Soon :D hehe thanks for upholding me during the one year of hardship thanks for bearing with my tears and screaming when i was so down....really ur a great friend and a great distraction to me too :p thanks for moving to Miri in August haha so i was able to study after that.. :] loved ur company and the relationship we shared... all the best for ur spm this year bro :D
7. Friends.. Mei San, Cheryl and Evangeline and owhh Hooi Chuen hehe for treating me well :D friends forever babes... Thanks Mei San for reli being there for me . :] all the things we shared and studying together...owh and darryl lai,dennis and the rest of the crew thanks lots guys;] (sorry cannot mention one by one too many haha) ahhh thanks gab frm sarawak for some of the state papers.. owh Thks Edwin for sending me to tuition everytime thks so much....
8. Teachers....Teacher Roziah for helping me in Bm, Teacher Fatimah in Chem..Kam Kin for physics... Aw Yang for Add maths... and Avon(rockin teacher lol) the wonderful accounts teacher whom i love hahahha thanks so much teachers.... so so much and yea not forgetting the school teacher too ya :]
9. Thks to mummy's cell group in Dumc hehe for praying for me ;] Pj South 1 celll group rocks ....;p (owh and also thks to Han Si, aunt Soo Nee and aunt Chris for driving my mum to the hospital for treatment appreciate u ppl help lots)
1. Father in heaven for his wonderful provision and support when at times in 2007 i felt so hopeless and depress..i'm sorry for havin a cracked relationship with u last year but 2008 i promise would be better :D thank u father for never givin up on me...
2. Dad for taking care of me single handedly in 2007 and washing the plates too :D and allowing me to shop like crazy whenever we went to kl together hehe
3. Mum and sisters and kakak for lending me their support and incessantly nagging me to study lolz:P i appreciate tat ya mummy ( for the every day calls at 6 p.m haha), sab(thks for manjaing me all the time) and sarah....reli mizz u all in labuan
4. Sarah personal thanks to u for constantly scolding me and nagging me to study although it always falls on deaf ears haha anyway juz wanna say i listen to u the month b4 SPM :D
5. Uncle Nelson and family and kakak Fin for welcoming me so warmly into their home when i had to stay over for a week or so every month when dad went to kl to support mummy when she was undergoing chemotheraphy. Thanks for takin care of my baby too :D Thanks Uncle Nelson for training me for national level public speaking :D appreciate it lots.....and glenda for ur company ;p
6. Daryl Soon :D hehe thanks for upholding me during the one year of hardship thanks for bearing with my tears and screaming when i was so down....really ur a great friend and a great distraction to me too :p thanks for moving to Miri in August haha so i was able to study after that.. :] loved ur company and the relationship we shared... all the best for ur spm this year bro :D
7. Friends.. Mei San, Cheryl and Evangeline and owhh Hooi Chuen hehe for treating me well :D friends forever babes... Thanks Mei San for reli being there for me . :] all the things we shared and studying together...owh and darryl lai,dennis and the rest of the crew thanks lots guys;] (sorry cannot mention one by one too many haha) ahhh thanks gab frm sarawak for some of the state papers.. owh Thks Edwin for sending me to tuition everytime thks so much....
8. Teachers....Teacher Roziah for helping me in Bm, Teacher Fatimah in Chem..Kam Kin for physics... Aw Yang for Add maths... and Avon(rockin teacher lol) the wonderful accounts teacher whom i love hahahha thanks so much teachers.... so so much and yea not forgetting the school teacher too ya :]
9. Thks to mummy's cell group in Dumc hehe for praying for me ;] Pj South 1 celll group rocks ....;p (owh and also thks to Han Si, aunt Soo Nee and aunt Chris for driving my mum to the hospital for treatment appreciate u ppl help lots)
10. Thanks to my baby Panadol... ;] who was there for me to cuddle and cry with hehe although u barely understand a thing hehe.... thks for moving around with me when i was tumpanging in glenda's house and back home.. thks gissmo too hehe for being such a cutie..;] and to my late sweet Beethoven who was there for all my exams... Thks for hanging in there for me till SPM was over... U knew i was struggling with SPM and waited for me to finish b4 u left... I will always love u Beethoven..
11. Thank u Ze Yee for being a wonderful brother to me hehe and to ur family as well for the food catering thank u muchi muchi
Words alone is unable to describe my great utmost thanks unto these wonderful ppl and dogs ;] who have been so significant in my life in 2007 .... love ya wonderful organisms lots lots
11. Thank u Ze Yee for being a wonderful brother to me hehe and to ur family as well for the food catering thank u muchi muchi
Words alone is unable to describe my great utmost thanks unto these wonderful ppl and dogs ;] who have been so significant in my life in 2007 .... love ya wonderful organisms lots lots
* sorry have to call u all organism coz dogs also included haha easiest conclusion for me XD
SPM results are finally out!!!!
Father in heaven..... 12th of March results are out...
12 years of studying has finally come to a deciding point...
U granted me 10a1's and 1a2 although wat i wanted is 11a1's but father u blesssed me anyhow...... u gave me wat i deserve...
The last three weeks b4 SPM i reli reli worked hard..... only 3 weeks?? miracle lo haha XD ....haiz now i wished i'd done better but there's no use dwelling on the past but to face the present and work on it although i'm struggling in college right now i believe ur loving hands will pick me up again.......
Father u taught me a lesson here. Never to rest on my laurels ..never to be complacent... to work hard o father....
Lord i told myself b4 the results came out tat i will surrender to u my all..... and Lord i had a baaaaaad feeling about my results...... but GOD o mighty thanks for blessing me with 11 wonderful a's....
MOral i sort of knew would do badly.....din memorize nilai ??? only night b4 started learning the nilai and definisi?? exam day cannot remmeber much haha so i guess an a2 is quite good ady actually lol ......
Anyway father thanks for being with me throughout the exam and throughout the tough year of 2008 where so much trials and tribulations hit me..... father i thank u for all u've done in my life......ur will is always for the best of me...thank u God thank u so much.......
Summary of my SPM results
12 years of studying has finally come to a deciding point...
U granted me 10a1's and 1a2 although wat i wanted is 11a1's but father u blesssed me anyhow...... u gave me wat i deserve...
The last three weeks b4 SPM i reli reli worked hard..... only 3 weeks?? miracle lo haha XD ....haiz now i wished i'd done better but there's no use dwelling on the past but to face the present and work on it although i'm struggling in college right now i believe ur loving hands will pick me up again.......
Father u taught me a lesson here. Never to rest on my laurels ..never to be complacent... to work hard o father....
Lord i told myself b4 the results came out tat i will surrender to u my all..... and Lord i had a baaaaaad feeling about my results...... but GOD o mighty thanks for blessing me with 11 wonderful a's....
MOral i sort of knew would do badly.....din memorize nilai ??? only night b4 started learning the nilai and definisi?? exam day cannot remmeber much haha so i guess an a2 is quite good ady actually lol ......
Anyway father thanks for being with me throughout the exam and throughout the tough year of 2008 where so much trials and tribulations hit me..... father i thank u for all u've done in my life......ur will is always for the best of me...thank u God thank u so much.......
Summary of my SPM results
Bio ( A1 )
Maths ( A1 )
Sejarah ( A1 )
Add maths ( A1 )
English ( A1 ) English 1119 ( A1 )
Est ( A1 )
Accounts ( A1 )
Chemistry ( A1 )
Malay ( A1 )
Physics ( A1 )
Moral ( A2 ) (sob sob)
and so there u have it 10 a1's and 1a2..........
PRAISE THE LORD NOW AND FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chronicles 20:21 says
Give thanks to the LORD,
for his love endures forever...
Thank u father praise be ur name!!!
Saturday, March 8, 2008
It's shopping time on wednesday....:D
hmmmmm walkin to subang parade to shop with joa and leow kin fai walked us there....(joa cheeky take this pic without us knowing)
joa: stop and look at the cam people
me: get in the pic babe and smile :D
joa: it's a must to take mirror pictures
about 8.30p.m till 11.00p.m
us three ladies with the ladies man.... tj ;] leow looked so faboooooolossss tat i can't even get the spelling right ... lol
apa la u kimi
posers wei....




Thursday night
Sam Fiesta NIght wooohoooo.....time to get the party rollllllllling........
Sam Fiesta NIght wooohoooo.....time to get the party rollllllllling........
at 7.40p.m
gettin ready...
about 8.30p.m till 11.00p.m



finally me and the hot babe chris who made the sam fiesta a success haha..... chris,all i can say to u is great partayyyy...... loved the strobe light was so awesome..... ;] nice work hun....
at 11.00p.m was tiring. So, after the disco night ended
mark, will, joa, leow, ruth and i went to a.c to minum minum
mark, will, joa, leow, ruth and i went to a.c to minum minum
tay time
serene signing off.......
Friday, March 7, 2008
capturing priceless class moments juz b4 sam's holiday break :D



us three gals with a stick haha the guy is tneh a.k.a the stick coz he weighs 45 kg and is 10 cm taller than me?? XD
kevin a.k.a grizzly bear :D, jack in the corner, kp lookin young and heng li......
me and leowie;] check out the forth pic me and her... we've got wandering eyes lol

me and sir will and owhhh mun fhoong's perky face [:
camera shy mr.chan....awwwwwwwwww
from left...joa, me, posern, jian meng (mr.chan) and xavier.....
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