Instructions:Remove 1 question from below, and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged.
1. At what age do you wish to marry?
23 to 27?? it really depends on God seriously lol
2. If you have the chance, what would you probably say to your beloved one?
I love u for who u are and not for wat u are
3. If you were to be stranded on a desert island, who are the 3 blog buddies you would take with you?
Sarah and Sabrina is definitely in lol sab for me to bully when i'm bored XD.... Sarah a great advisor haha the last buddy tak tau la haha the more the merrier actually....but if it's someone out of the family circle Bill Gates perhaps?? so that he can donate his mountain heap of cash to less fortunate ppl like me?? jkjk :D
4. Where is the place that you want to go the most?
Currently back 2 my home in labuan :'( mizz PANADOL so much haih...
5. If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be?
Live through SAM!!!! LOL not to forget the flying colours too of coz
6. Do you believe you can survive without money?
Hmmm my answer is perhaps very contrasting towards my character as i'm well a Professional Shopaholic but oh welll man don't live on bread alone but by the word of God so i guess yea i can survive :] i mean nothing is impossible right....
7. What are you afraid to lose the most?
Honestly speaking any of my immediate family members... I mean i don care if i get hurt or die or anything so as long as it's me and not any of my family them to bits..
8. If you win $1 million, what would you do?
Tithe 100k... use it to open my own boutique :D yeah!! dream come true... spend quarter, invest quarter and save the other quarter....
9. If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
Hmmmmm nope leh haha...... i'll probably drop a hint or two but direct confessing hmmmm don think so :D but owh well who knows eh... i might eventually do so??Maybe :S
10. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you.
Sam Woon arrrrr.... Gentle patient and definitely likeable ;p
11. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
Hmmmm a true Christian who LoVEs God definitely :D and also to LOVE me lots lots lotsssss!!!!!!
12. Which type of person do you hate the most?
Nah NO HATRED...God says that to hate is akin to murder.... (sort of) so ppl don hate but love one another 4 it is bcoz of love we have the gift of eternal life...
13. What is your ambition?
Open a boutique :D haha so unambitious lol....hmmm i definitely wanna spread the gospel 2 others and be a GOOD WIFE AND WOONDERFUL MOTHER to my future family lol..... Careerwise still waiting upon's God calling but interested in(vet, lawyer and engineer) perhaps??
14. What is the thing that will make you think he/she is bad?
When the someone gives a perverted look 0_0 and seems dangerous?? lol....
15. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
Jeezzz i dunno how to answer this larr.... I mean there is so much to treasure in life....But if it's main priority then it has to be God...
16. Are you a shopaholic or not?
Owh yeah definitely!!! :D Genuine one with a capital G on it (i have got to say this is smth i'm actually good at haha)
17. If you have a chance, which part of your character you would like to change?
My IMPATIENCE... and to listen first b4 talkin..... :D i'm sure a lot of ppl will be much happier if i half the number of words i speak every day haha J.lo pointed out i talk non-stop?? haha ain't gonna change tat though :D LOVE my ebullient self
18. Who is the person that you can share all your problems with?(sam's question)
Someone whom i can trust and who have the best intention in mind for me....Ex: my sisters haha
19. What makes you different?
The fact that I am still very childlike at heart but possess a woman's body?? ;p
20.What is/are ur trademark(s)?? (serene's question)
Hmmm currently love 2 use short forms in face to face conversation like bb for bye bye and nvm.. And use to and still always say 'SO CUTE!!!!!!!' XD
1.Sarah Ong
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